Roles: Designer Time: 1 Week
Team Size: 1 Engine: Unity
If you're interested in downloading this project or the playable build, check out the project on itch.

Spellbound Spirits is a concept for an rpg-lite twin-stick shooter made as part of a one-week challenge that focused on prototyping a level and teaching a mechanic during the level's playthrough.
For the project I created a condensed 5 page pitch document and level overview, complete with a simple map and a walkable prototype in Unity 2019.
To the left is a copy of the map, and below is a gallery of the actual pdf, along with screenshots of the level.
Part of the fun of this project was tackling a genre I've never been passionate about and finding the fun in it for the player base.
The Pitch and Level Document

The purple model represents our hero. For the prototype it seemed inefficient to worry about making it visual beyond an identifiable color I dont use anywhere else.

With the gate above locked, players will go to the right, only to see that the way has collapsed. Forcing them back to see the gate now open.

Fighting against goblins and wolves in the camp

Some players may find a bonus cave with bats and a treasure chest if they keep an eye out.

A simple lock and switch puzzle that requires all three switches active simultaneously. The only way to be fast enough is to Phase-Shift

a moment of respite before the boss (to the right). The players will need to defeat him in order to open the temple.

A mini boss room where players would have to stun and "harvest" the turret-clad boss-goblin 3 times in order to defeat it.