Role: Designer Time: 26~ Hours
Team Size: 4 Engine: Unity
Motor Moon is a project made for the 2019 Indie Galactic Space Jam, a weekend game jam held annually in Orlando. In it, players race on a shared screen across a variety of maps, the person to outrun the other racers (and knock them off screen) 3 times first, wins. The game was made with the added challenges of accessibility, multiplayer, and promoting space science. It's one of my favorite jam games to date.

An early look at Curvy Craters with a very basic version of the texture slapped on.

An early version of MoonBase Mountains.

A final shot of Curvy Craters. While a majority of my time was spent on path width, once I got the main track fleshed out, it was easy to quickly test and iterate on the design, smooth out curves, and sculpt out hidden ramps in order to take advantage of the strange lunar landscape.

Our three maps rendered for the level select screen. As part of my role I handled all of our 2D graphic asset creation, the game's design, and other small tasks that became available.
Despite the lack of playtesting, by the time we submitted on Sunday, we had a queue of guests and other developers playing our game, often for 15 or more minutes at a time, entranced by the experience. It was an incredibly thrilling moment as a level designer, to see your work so thoroughly enjoyed by people you've never met.