A devblog post going over the game's design pillars and squadmate AI.

The icon in the top right lets players know which options are available on a mission. With some being solo missions and others having more dogfight-like objectives, it changed frequently.

The player presses the d-pad to bring up the formations menu, then can either choose a direction on the d-pad to give their allies an order to change their activity.

A screenshot of the weapon wheel in the Mass Effect series. This would be boiled down heavily as the series went on.

In Halo 5, enemies needing particular focus must be pointer at and highlighted. As we can see here, in that same time, a player could easily take care of most foes on their own. Compare this slow paced design to the cinematic opener seen above featuring Blue Team.

A custom mock-up of how the playbook screen would look in the Mission Setup section. For the scaled up version, players would be able to press X in order to customize plays or create new ones.

A condensed version of the Loadout menu. It would show squad synergy in the form of basic tags. Those tags would provide context for behavior, and allow players to choose how each squadmate acts in those formations. Further depth could go as far as to modify weapon loadouts or even add in utility tool features.